
Sunday, September 28, 2014

"Why the KINGDOM OF GOD is Necessary!"

The Kingdom of God (KOG) is a "spiritual" place created by a group of Believers who have immersed themselves in FAITH and FELLOWSHIP with the Holy Spirit. The eyes of their understanding have been opened and they have received the blessing and designation as "sons."

There is a measure of God's power that has been directed toward Believer's orchestrated by the Lord God's "dunamis" (explosive) power (the SAME POWER that raised Jesus from the grave).

This Kingdom is critical to the advancement of the gospel in the marketplace. It's citizens have a constitution (the Word of God) and a Ruler (Christ Jesus). The Kingdom has an army (legions of angels) and wealth beyond measure (the wisdom of the Holy Spirit). The KOG has intentions and the saints have assignments.

  • The KOG is necessary because it enables its citizens to live powerful and fruitful lives of service to God's people in the marketplace;
  • The KOG = power, influence, direction and control for its people;
  • The KOG has the ability to influence systems and paradigms and control circumstances;
  • The "mentor" in the KOG is the Holy Spirit;
  • (John 16:13-14) God extends Himself to me and through me into the earth to create glory globally for His Kingdom;
  • Man must understand the KOG concept of "order" if he intends to establish order in the earth realm;
  • (1 Cor. 12:4-11) Spiritual gifts have been given to its citizens to build the KOG and the Body of Christ (Young Christians who are maturing in their relationship with God and His Word).
  • These gifts will be used to advance the KOG and the BOC as a whole; not the individuals agenda.
  • Believer's must choose significance (eternal) over success (temporal) as a lifestyle in the KOG;
  • The desired outcome of the King's Will (His policies and ordinances) is that ALL of its Kingdom citizens have the heart of the King and develop an intimate relationship with Christ;
  • The KOG is the ONLY threat to the powers of darkness and evil in the earth and the last line of defense for the vulnerable, weak and spiritually deprived Christians seeking after the things of this world...

Monday, September 22, 2014

"3 CROSSES at CALVARY: Rebellion, Repentance & Redemption!"

The greatest day in human history was wrought with rebellion, repentance and redemption. It was the "Lamb of God" that was slain from the foundation of the world whose time had come. It was His gift to a rebellious world that He offered Himself up as the ultimate sacrifice to redeem us back to the Father.

Present with Him that fateful day on Calvary were two robbers on either side of Him who would also be crucified. The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 23 expounds on conversations between Jesus and the two men. It contrasts the dichotomy of who we are as a people: rebellious and repentant! The one criminal stayed in character as a rebellious spirit and mocked Jesus from the cross (in the spirit of his father Satan) saying to Him, "If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us." You will notice that Jesus didn't even respond to that foolishness! He had seen that "If You are the Christ" temptation several times before from Satan...

However, the other criminal exemplified a repentant spirit and rebuked his partner in crime saying, "Do you not even fear God, seeing that you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done "nothing wrong" (unlike us). Then he said to Jesus, "Lord (this man had received the Spirit of Recognition in order to call Him Lord), remember me when You come into Your Kingdom." And Jesus said to him, "Verily I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise." (Luke 23:43)

Wow! Did you "see" that? The redemptive spirit of Jesus is on "automatic pilot" NEVER stops! It operates best under adverse conditions. Don't think it strange when adversity comes upon you. 9 times out of 10, it is the Lord God's doing and NOT the devil!

The "Cross of Rebellion" is close enough to see Christ while never desiring to be near Christ or ever submit to Him. Pride, arrogance and a sense of entitlement have deluded this person into believing they don't need God's help. Rebellion equals death in Christ and is a "transferable and contagious spirit."

The "Cross of Repentance" is rooted and grounded in the "fear of God!" I'm not talking about "reverence" here; I'm talking about being truly AFRAID of God! The penitent thief admits his sin and asks Jesus to "re-member" (put him back together or re-connect) him. This is the job of the Lord God; to re-connect us, re-assemble us and redeem us back to the Father. Once you KNOW who HE is, you cannot deny HIM...while even hanging on a cross.

The "Cross of Redemption" was necessary in order for us to gain access to the King and His Kingdom of Glory. This is the Savior's cross. One of the many reasons why I love God is that He is so strategic. Notice where He placed Jesus' cross. He placed the Cross of Redemption between the Cross of Rebellion and the Cross of Repentance...

In other words, Redemption (Christ) stands between Repentance (Life) and Rebellion (Death)...(Deuteronomy 30:15)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

"The Anatomy of DIVORCE in the Kingdom of GOD!"

The primary reason so many Christians get divorced is because of "spiritual ignorance." I know many people might chuckle at the notion of the significance of spiritual ignorance in lieu of all of the "carnal" reasons Christians so easily gravitate toward including adultery, incompatibility (you didn't know you were incompatible BEFORE you got married?), irreconcilable differences (whatever that is!), finances and various forms of abuse.

Although very important to the "Carnal Christian's" justification for divorce, these reasons are the only logical conclusion for an ill-conceived marriage between a a male and a female. Let me state emphatically, "a "groom" is NOT a "HUSBAND" and a "bride" is NOT a "WIFE!"

The first question Christians need to ask themselves is, "Who are we married to?" The man, as he matures spiritually in his relationship with Christ BEFORE he marries, is according to scripture the "bride-groom" of Christ. This means that the man must FIRST learn how to become a bride (through SUBMISSION which is "service" and NOT "slavery" to the Lord God. After a period of trials, testing and probation, the man can ascend to the place of being a "groom" (one prepared for marriage by the Lord God and not by a carnal society).

I don't believe there is a more offensive word to a Christian woman than "submission." Again, I state emphatically that the reason for this is spiritual ignorance, selfishness and blatant disobedience to the Word of God (WOG) on behalf of both Christian men and women. We have a global community of "non-readers" of the WOG who are easily manipulated by the deception of the enemy.

Let me state for the record that the man (husband) should be the primary servant in his household as he, and he ALONE, is the spiritual covering for the wife and his children. The Lord God "covers" the husband and the husband "covers" the family. There is no other authority, person, system or paradigm designated for spiritual covering other than the Lord God and the husband!

The authorization of "husband" can only come to a man by and through an intimate relationship with Christ. The surface stuff just won't cut it! Divorce happens because two people get married as unbelievers. God made the "man" for Himself and the "woman" for the man. A woman cannot divorce a man in the KOG. It's illegal! If this statement offends you, once again you have to be outside the KOG.

Too many women (and men for that matter) spend all of their energy preparing for the WEDDING and put very little emphasis on the MARRIAGE. The Spirit of Recognition is vital in our "hearing" from the Lord on whom we are to marry. As the husbands cleaves to the desires of the heart of Christ, so to must the wife, who is a Believer, cleave to the desires of her husband's heart. Many spouses are in divorce court right this moment because their husbands are in love with Christ. They are, in many cases, jealous of the relationship. Isn't that crazy?

Don't look to your husband or wife to "make you happy!" The joy of the Lord is your strength. Once you find your joy in the Lord you and your spouse will find success, love, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost through your mutual submission: his (your husband) to the Lord and yours to Him (Christ) through him (your husband). Can't you see? You are both submitting to Christ and He is the focus of both of your hearts.

Christians divorce because they have "whore of the world" stamped on their foreheads. If you are a whore then you are an "adulterer to Christ." An adulterer has no rights within the KOG. If you are outside of the KOG, you are not a "son." If you are not a son, then you are a bastard. If you are a bastard, then you don't belong to the Father, The Father keeps taking us back after we continually pursue whoring of the world. Yet our hearts are hardened toward our husbands and wives to the point where we won't even entertain the notion of grace, mercy or forgiveness.

Finally, Christians will not acknowledge their INIQUITY (inclination towards SIN and immorality) and have no fear of TRANSGRESSIONS against God (stepping across the lines of holiness, righteous and spiritual integrity). Divorce creates a hard heart! Divorce is of the devil. As marriage is the institution of God, so to is divorce the institution of the devil. Sin is of the devil.  Sin creates division. Sin separates you from God. Divorce is sin. Therefore, divorce separates you from God. True repentance, and not remorse, will bring you back into right relationship with the Lord God.

In the marriage of an "Unbeliever, who is hiding out in the KOG masquerading as a Believer," the courtship is iniquity and the marriage is the transgression...

Monday, September 8, 2014


It's both a strange and awesome thing about "doors." I was reflecting the other day about what life would be like without them. Just think about the nature of doors. Their primary function is to provide security and access. They also provide protection and from outside forces they keep us safe.

I remember a few months ago when I accidentally locked my keys inside my car while it was running along with my cell phone! I was in a remote location and was unable to call for help. It took me the better part of an hour to figure out how to get inside. I asked several people if they could help but to no avail. You see, I was stranded outside of a prison in South Carolina and they don't take to kindly to unmanned vehicles "running" outside the front gate for some strange reason (LOL)! I was under pressure to make a very important parole hearing and was frustrated that I was not able to deal with this problem after my meeting.

I began to think about Jesus and what He said in the Gospel of John:

(The Gospel of John, Chapter 10: 9-10)

Then Jesus said to them again, “Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who ever came before Me[a] are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

I knew at that very moment what I had to do. I just stopped. I shut down and I stepped away from the car and laughed at the situation. It was crazy. I asked Him for guidance and then I thanked Him! You see my friends, I had been trying to come in through the window and He told me to come in through the door. Within seconds I was able to open my door, get my keys and make my meeting on time!

He told me, "Only a thief enters through the window. The sheep enters through the door!" This story is not about locked cars, coat hangers or being stranded. It's about RELATIONSHIP.

The person INSIDE the DOOR has the POWER. The Lord God declares boldly to His sheep that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is ALL ACCESS,  24-7, 365! He continues on to tell us that He is the Originator, Creator and Innovator of ALL THINGS and that everything else is Counterfeit. He proclaims that He is aware of the deception that has kept many of His sheep from His pastures. He references wolves, thieves and hirelings that try to masquerade as shepherds and scatter the sheep. He concludes by telling us that these thieves are only interested in stealing, killing and destroying your FAITH!

He is the DOOR. He is on the INSIDE. He will RECEIVE you in PEACE with LOVE and GRACE. He will give you REST. No matter where you are in life. No matter where you have been. No matter what you need. He is the ANSWER. He is the DOOR that DIED FOR YOU!

He is the DOOR...and the DOOR is NOT LOCKED! 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


The Holy Spirit had me spellbound and speechless as He poured out to me the blessing of God's EARS!

Just think about it for a minute; The One having the ability to HEAR billions of petitions, complaints, thoughts, prayers, etc. simultaneously yet having the ability to handle each one of them individually! Wow! I could stop right there!

He hears us before we ask; He hears the intent of our hearts; He hears the depths of our desires and distinguishes truth from lies. In many instances, He answers right away but the process of preparation is our greatest challenge to dealing with the answer He gives us. The "process" I am referring to declares that we are not always "ready" or "in position" to receive.

It only takes a nanosecond for our thoughts, prayers, requests and petitions to transcend "natural time" into the spirit realm. Since "time" is irrelevant to God (because He resides in eternity), He is always in "present time" as the Great I AM. "Packaging" an answer for us is immediate but fitting it into the proper time for us to receive it is what messes us up! 

We cannot receive spiritual blessings with a natural heart. The fact that God HEARS us even through our transgressions, rejections, denial and pervasive sin is the essence and bedrock of His unconditional love for us. His caring and loving ears hear the sounds of those voices that have been muted by various factors: the slurred speech of those whose ears have been made deaf; the dumb and the blind whose thoughts and visions often hold Him captive as every word sounds like a symphony of praise to Him who sits on High and leans down low to hear us.

His EARS are patient; they hear our silence, quietude and bliss; they are tangible and invisible at the same time. Every Believer has their own private "channel" to God's private line. The line is NEVER busy and I have never heard anyone else on my frequency!

His EARS hear our TEARS, every beat of our broken hearts as well as our smiles and the sounds of fervent praise and worship in service to God's people in the marketplace. 

In this HEARING (which is physical) we experience the truth of God's LOVE through His LISTENING (which is spiritual)! Selah...