
Monday, February 25, 2013

"A True Servant's Heart!"

So much of who we are and what we do for God is "camouflaged" by the reality of our selfish nature as human beings; we just don't love naturally!

A "true servant" is one who has no regard for himself "in the service" itself.  In other words, the gratification of "just going" and "just doing" what God has instructed him/her to do is (gratification) enough!

What manner of man or woman does this? This is an unusual spirit in this current age of narcissism (self-love).  How can we get increased participation from the institutional church (IC) to engage and empower people in the marketplace?  Of course, we have the example of Jesus' sacrifice on Calvary, but I'd have to say, based upon the lack of "fruit" or "evidence" being produced by the IC, the sacrifice of our Lord has become just another "good story."

Natural love expects some return, but Paul says – I do not care whether you love me or not, I am willing to destitute myself completely, not merely for your sakes, but that I may also provoke you to actively pursue an intimate relationship with God. The ecclesiastical idea of a servant of God is not Jesus Christ’s idea. His idea is that we serve Him by being the servants of other men.

Jesus Christ was the ultimate "quantum mechanic". In other words, He was exactly sure of where God would place us in "time" and what our assignments would be. He says that in His Kingdom, the greatest among us is the servant of all. The real test of the believer is not preaching the gospel, but washing the feet of God's people in the marketplace, that is, doing the things that do not count in the actual estimate of men but count everything in the estimate of God. These things do not make make men famous, but bring glory to God.

The true servant will empty himself out for God’s interests in other people, and he does not care what it costs. He/she welcomes the notion that it will indeed cost him/her something.  Moreover, if it does not have a high cost associated with it; it doesn't count as MINISTRY.  If the assignment has a low cost connected to it, it is probably an ACTIVITY...there is a profound difference between the two!

We come in with our economical notions – "Suppose God wants me to go there – what about the salary? What about the climate? How shall I be looked after? A man must consider these things." All that is an indication that we are serving God with a reserve. The apostle Paul had no reserve. Paul focuses Jesus Christ’s idea of a New Testament saint in his life, viz.: not one who proclaims the Gospel merely, but one who becomes broken bread and poured out wine (communion) in the hands of Jesus Christ for other lives.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

"Building a Spiritual Legacy!"

 "No sooner does a great man depart, and leave his character as public property, than a crowd of little men rushes towards it. There they are gathered together, blinking up to it with such vision as they have, scanning it from afar, hovering round it this way and that, each cunningly endeavoring, by all arts, to catch some reflex of it in the little mirror of  himself."                               
                                                                                                                Thomas Carlyle 

When you look at your face in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the face or a man or woman who has a purpose or a meaning? Are you resolute in your preparation for the tasks at hand; or are you stuck in a quagmire of despair and hopelessness?

To establish a "legacy," which is "something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past" as in the legacy of the ancient philosophers, one must have accomplished something significant while in the earth. 

The legacy builder must "engage and empower" himself/herself on a daily basis as they refine the vision God has given them for their lives. You must constantly ask yourself the hard questions; "Who am I?", and "What am I doing?" Can you "see" (with spiritual eyes) where you are going?  Does a "bumpy road" deter you from your ultimate destination?

You must saddle your vision with "hard facts" and identify what you are passionate about; that which catapults you out of the bed EARLY in the morning without an alarm clock; that "thing" you would do everyday for the rest of your life for "free." The legacy builder MUST embrace hardship with dignity and honor.  He/she also will have the spiritual discernment to make "holy choices" (choices that would please God and bring glory to His name).

The legacy builder must acquire the skill for building "sustainable relationships".  You must view your legacy as a "transferable asset" that increases in inherent value from generation to generation. The person inheriting (or walking in) your legacy must attribute equal or greater value to receiving the gift of your legacy.

A "vision" will leave scars. Your heart will be broken so many times it will beat with a limp! You will be vilified, persecuted, scorned, scoffed at, berated, ostracized and defamed! You will feel lonely and relish being alone. You will learn to treasure your time with God in your "secret place" and bask in the glory of His fellowship and unconditional love.

In short, you have to learn to ask the right questions and then be able to recognize the truth in order to build a spiritual legacy.

Monday, February 18, 2013

"E. Bernard Jordan: Luciferian Prophet & Devilish Doctrines!"

“A thief has no rights in the Kingdom of God!” (John 10:10-11; source for quote)
            The people of God have got to wake up at some point and recognize these charlatans for what they are don’t they? Christians are so desperate to please their leaders; they will do ANYTHING to enter into their favor and grace.  Don’t be believe me? Please keep reading!  I read just yesterday in a periodical about a Brazilian pastor, Valdeci Sobrino Picanto, who convinced several of his followers to do the unthinkable.  Just when you think you’ve heard it all; check this out:
            “This Luciferian pastor claimed that the Holy Spirit would secrete from his penis in the form of “sacred milk”. This pastor said that his penis was blessed and that “the Lord had consecrated him with divine milk of the Holy Spirit” and, of course, he had to release it in order to “evangelize”. He has convinced us that God could only come into our lives through our mouths and that’s why he would do what he did. Often, after worship, pastor Valdeci would take us to the where the funds were kept at the back of the Church and asked us to have oral sex with him until the Holy Spirit would come through ejaculation”. This is the testimony of one of his victims!
            I have to say this without apology, “What kind of moron would believe this crap?” Are you serious? This is so incredible…for me to be speechless is remarkable, but this right here takes the cake! Let’s move on.
            There are far too many examples of sexual perversion, homosexuality, rape, incest, bestiality and pedophilia being conducted within the confines of the IC to mention; but every now and then, an exceptional act of wickedness surfaces that cannot be ignored. To this point, enter the infamous Master Prophet and “snake oil” salesman E. Bernard Jordan of NY. His brand of magic is something special to behold. Between his devilish doctrine, celebrity endorsements and trinkets for sale, he has amassed a huge fortune on the backs of the poor and those otherwise afflicted.  In short, he is a “fraud” of epic proportions!
            He is a thief and he has no rights in the KOG. He has employed the “prophetic word for cash” scheme and seduces people with his cunning words and smooth transitions that keep the hopeless grasping for straws and chasing their proverbial tails! This modern day “Mr. Haney” (from the popular ‘60’s TV comedy “Green Acres”) rules the roost with an entourage of equally vile associates he calls his “prophetic network.” This band of thieves assembles around a crescent shaped table during each show and spews out lie after lie about what they see and know about their various “victims.” 
            Now you can “get a reading” but it’s gonna cost you! Depending upon how much you want to pay, you can receive anything from a “touch” to an actual “conversation” with one of your loved ones who have gone home to glory!  It goes something like this,
            “I am sorry, could you speak up a little bit! (Jordan motions to his co-hosts to quiet down so he can hear the Holy Spirit speak to him). Oh, okay I got! The Holy Spirit just told me that there is a $1000 anointing in the airways now for a special healing. If you sow $1000 dollars into this ministry, one of our prophets will get on the line with you personally and give you a special reading straight from the throne room of God on how you can receive your healing today! Don’t delay! And if you call within the next five minutes, I will send you my special anointed soap that will activate the power of the Spirit when you bathe. This soap was given to me by the Holy Spirit (by way of China) as a love offering to share with you. Operators are standing by to take your call (and your money).”
            This is foolishness; just plain foolishness! However this is nothing new. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul encountered various forms of divination and at the height of its popularity he was once beaten for rebuking a psychic and summarily thrown in jail (Acts 16:16-24). However, I always state that, “the counterfeit always shows up before the original.” Let’s first examine what a healthy, God ordained prophet looks like and contrast that with a “spiritual litmus test” against the existing paradigm of the “Master Prophet” and his psychic network.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"A Brief History of the LOGOS Word!"

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."
                                                                                  (John 1:1-5, KJV)

In the 6th century B.C., the Stoic Greek Philosopher, Heraclitus (ca. 535-475 B.C.) incorporated the word "logos" into his rhetorical discourse as he identified the term as having divine implications and established it as a principle of "order and knowledge." The "sophists" used the term to mean "discourse" or "debate" and the Aristotelians applied the term to mean discourse and rhetorical arguments.

After Judaism came under Hellenistic or Greek influence, Philo (ca. 20 B.C. - A.D. 50) adopted the term into Jewish philosophy. In the Gospel of John, the logos word comes to life in the form of Jesus as the life sustaining force in the universe with divine (theos) characteristics and he further identifies Jesus as the incarnation of the Logos.

Heraclitus coin the term "logos spermatikos" or "seminal word." He contended that the word contained "seed" or literally "semen." He further stated that the logos was creative, having the power to "originate." In other words, the logos is the "creativity of God." The philosopher also adds that the logos are "highly influential and innovative." It is a rational principle which pervades all reality and provides meaning and order to persons and the universe. He concluded that the logos creates coherence and unity and provides an orderly pattern for existence and holds everything together.

Sounds to me like Brother Heraclitus received a divine revelation from the Belligerent Christ long before his Stoic kindred and others saw the light!

Friday, February 8, 2013


The "new face" of evangelism requires demonstration.  By that I mean the believer has to "do something"; that there has to be tangible evidence and manifestation of "fruit" or a result that can been seen.

The Institutional Church (IC) has become a morgue of sorts. It has amassed a confluence of "dead bodies" that sit idly by week after week with no effort to engage and empower God's people in the marketplace.  Christ had a "militant zeal" for His cause...and that is unconditional love. The IC needs to stop "extending the church and their pastor" to the lost and start "extending Christ" to those inside AND outside the four walls!

There is a profound difference between "ministry" and "activity."  Ministry  requires a long term commitment and usually "costs" the believer something; some sort of sacrifice or a certain level of discomfort. Christians have a tendency to shy away from raw ministry. Conversely, activities are crafted to be fun events that are superficial in nature. Activities are more palatable for the modern Christian because they require short term commitments and impose little or no threat to their respective "comfort zones."

In order for "believers" to rescue evangelism from "exile", there must be a concerted effort to change the "insider language" or "church speak" to a voice that people can "hear" and understand. "Saving the lost, witnessing to the unsaved or saving souls" means very little to a homeless person sleeping under a bridge or a sister recently released from prison who needs a job and a place to live with her two kids.  I am NOT saying that the salvation message is not important, but what I am saying is that the true demonstration of the love of Christ is meeting the needs of people in the marketplace BEFORE "shoving Romans Road down their throats."

The new face of evangelism must be intentional, focused and purpose driven. It must cost the believer something.  Instead of grabbing a coat from the back of the closet to donate to the shelter, go to Burlington Coat Factory and purchase a new one. Don't give away something you wouldn't want to receive yourself. 

Your "witness" is your most effective evangelistic tool.  Herein my reference to witness means "compassion."  Your compassion for others is the gateway to the kingdom of heaven and secures a place for you in eternity (Matt. 25: 31-45). The reason why Christians don't serve the poor, visit the sick, clothe the naked, go to the prisons or feed the hungry is because they have no compassion. Further, the Word of God says we don't serve God's people who are afflicted is because, "we don't see them as our own flesh and blood!" (Isaiah 58:7-8)

Make a decision to be impactful and intentional in your evangelism.  Remember it's not about compelling people to Christ, handing out a thousand tracts, canvassing neighborhoods at 8:00am on Saturday morning or having tent revivals all summer; it's all about love and extending that love to those in need of love!  The love that I am referring to is the God kind of love manifested in the sacrifice of Christ who was sent to Golgotha to rescue our individual "inability to love" from exile! Selah...

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Phase I:
The Holy Spirit led me to (Acts 9:1-9) when Saul ("useless") was "converted" on the Road to Damascus.  Saul encounters the Lord God in the form of a blinding light; although blinded , Saul "sees" the Lord, recognizes Him as such and as a result receives the "gift" of faith! The Lord God actually speaks to Saul in a voice no one else can "hear" or "understand" (see Acts 22 for this revelation) .  He is then led into the City of Damascus on foot by his fellow persecutors. You see my friends, FAITH has a VOICE! (Acts 22:6:16 and Acts 26:12-18).

God will interrupt your life at the most unlikely time to get your attention; no matter how foul you might be living!

Phase II:
Once in Damascus, Saul's physical sight was restored after three days by a disciple named Ananias. He was then anointed and selected for an incredible assignment; to preach and teach the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven.  By the way, he also authored 2/3 of the New Testament.  Saul received the "kerygmatic" declaration from Ananias and is eschewed, 'What are you waiting for?" Go ye therefore and make disciples!

Saul is transformed in his spirit man, but he still has the same physical face and notorious public reputation for killing believers! Who in the world is going to trust this dude? What needs to happen for Saul to be received in peace and not perceived as a threat any longer?  The people needed to see a "demonstration" of his new found faith. So Saul began to preach and teach the gospel to the amazement of those in the city who knew of this man as a persecutor and binder of the saints of God. What do we take away from this phase and encounter?
  • What God has to say to you is NOT for public consumption initially.
  • God can get your ATTENTION at any time.
  • God requires your soul.
  • God is obsessed with you.
  • God is your reward!
Phase III:
God blots out every possible distraction with His glory when He is speaking to you.  No man can stand in the Presence of God (ALL men have to submit to His authority). Saul is an example of how God can use our lives, no matter how convoluted, to minister to the lives of others seeking truth. God promises us "revelation" ("proprietary knowledge") to guide our way. God promises us protection in the form of the Holy Spirit and angels of light. God promises each of us a territory and assignment in the marketplace to reproduce glory for Him.  God promises us great success as we evangelize the lost.

In the end, God promises us a "name change" from "Saul" (useless) to "Paul" (useful) and from "bastard" (a child who does not know who his Father is) to a "son" (one who is led by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit and has an intimate relationship with the Father!). Selah...