
Monday, October 29, 2012

"The Halloween Deception and the Body of Christ!"

People ask the same question year after year regarding Christian participation in "pagan holidays;" I know this is going to sting a little, but this includes your beloved Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving too!  But right now, let's deal with Halloween...the pinnacle of paganism!

I can hear your back teeth grinding right now; Why do Christians take it so seriously?  Why even ask the question because Christians "fully participate AND promote" Halloween...especially in CHURCHES!"  So what are we taking about here? Pure and simply..selfishness!

Sorry brothers and sisters you can't "plead the fifth" on this one.  You know all too well that Halloween is a sacred holiday for Satan and witches, warlocks, Wicca and other purveyors of perversion, darkness and wickedness! Sure, you can blame it on your kids and say that they would be disappointed, but according to the National Retail Federation:

  1. American ADULTS (not kids) will spend $8 billion USD (that's billion with a "b") on Halloween costumes, candy and decorations in 2012;
  2. that 7 out of 10 (71.5%) adults will celebrate Halloween this year (a total of 170 million Americans) and,
  3. more than 36.2% of adults will attend a Halloween-themed party! Adults will spend almost $3 billion on costumes and more than $2 billion on candy! Whhhhaaaattttttt? Are you kidding me?
When you hear the word "halloween" what images appear? What "spirit" is evoked at the whisper of that name?  Are they of good and light or are they of evil and darkness? Halloween openly promises the visitation of evil and wickedness and does NOT celebrate the Creator of Light, namely God Almighty!

For more than 2,000 years, beginning with the Druids (the unadulterated kings of the occult) up until now with the modern day practitioners of evil, we have seen a marked increase in financial expenditures and excitement with the holiday.  Let's be real people, we only spend our TIME and MONEY on the things we LOVE, not the things we LIKE!

So my Christian brothers and sisters, while you are preparing your front yard with decorations of grave stones, skeletons, bats and jack-o-lanterns; and dressing your kids up as witches, ghouls and the "walking dead" maybe you should ask yourself, would I put this much energy into helping someone in need? Would I give the $150 I just spent on "vanity" to my neighbor (not the person who lives next door to you but the person whom you do not know)? If Jesus was standing in front of me, how would I justify my church 'Trunk or Treat" party?

Don't be offended if I say that you are a follower of Satan if you support, promote AND celebrate his holiday? I'm just sayin'........

Monday, October 22, 2012

"The Passionate Devotion of Service!"

In (John 21:16), Jesus proclaims conversion to the faith comes through passionate service to the sheep (God's people in the marketplace).

"Service" is not what we do in the way of Christian work. Christ calls service what we do "TO" Him not what we do "FOR" Him!  Discipleship (D) is based on service to Christ, not on adherence to a belief or creed.

Your service or devotion is directly correlated to your ability to say, "Now I see who Jesus is!", when touched by the Holy Spirit! There are three (3) steps in this process:
  1. The Spirit of Recognition (I see Him or recognize His Way)
  2. The Spirit of Conviction (I repent, forgive and love again) 
  3. The Spirit of Correction (I'm ready for service in the Kingdom)
Why are so many people committed to personal beliefs and "causes" versus spiritual beliefs and Jesus Christ?  Here is the answer: "People want to be devoted to Jesus, but NOT to the "cause" He started. The Body of Christ (BOC) does not want Jesus Christ in any other way than that as a "comrade" or "friend". 

The "cause"of Christ is complete obedience to the will of God the Father; NOT the needs, desires and selfish motives of man.  Serving the cause of humanity will lead to exhaustion, frustration and carnality for the "believer"...subsequently (my) love will falter. However, if I an devoted to Christ, I can serve humanity tirelessly, though I am unappreciated, used, lied to, cheated on, etc.

A seed must go into the ground and die (John 12:24), then spring up and alter the entire landscape of the marketplace through the radical faith of the believer. In this way, we mirror the Passionate Devotion of Service Christ "publicly displayed" for us on Golgotha!

Friday, October 19, 2012

"How I Hear the Voice of God!"

This brief discourse is by "no means" the ONLY way to hear the Voice of God; but it is a random sample of how I hear His voice.
  • I make a "conscience decision" to draw closer to Him (James 4:8) thus developing a deeper and more intimate relationship.
  • I have a "repentant heart" for my transgressions against Him and His word.  I am transparent in my SIN.
  • I make my mind "still" (by quieting my thoughts until they become His thoughts) (Habakkuk 2:1).
  • I "pray" in the Spirit (a deep communion with the Holy Spirit in "silence" so I can hear the voice of God...not senseless rambling and vain repetition).  If I am speaking, I cannot hear God! (Ephesians 1:8) (1 Cor 14:14)
  • I renew and refresh my mind (Ephes 4:23) (Col 3:16) (Rom 12:1-2) (Jam 1:22)
  • You must find your "secret place"..that is where God will visit you.  That place is different for everyone. I am attentive and focused on the "still, small voice" of God being careful not to allow the cares of this world to distract me or disrupt the fellowship.  In this, I am careful to remove myself from my family to my "secret place."
This is how God speaks to me:
  • Through dreams, visions, spontaneous impressions, conversations with others (usually confirmation of what the Spirit has already said to me privately); through the Holy Spirit and His Word.
This is how I know that God has spoken to me:
  • I have an incredible "peace" that settles my spirit man.
  • I have a "witness" in my spirit (you might be familiar with the term "blessed assurance").
  • When the "sound" I hear is in perfect alignment and agreement with His Word.
  • When there are no apparent "contradictions" to His word.

Monday, October 15, 2012

"Three Main Functions of the Human SPIRIT!"

When we are apprehended by God, our natural inclinations have nothing to do with how or what we are to preach (disciple those in and outside the faith). Your commitment to boldly engage and empower others in the gospel (in word and deed) are based upon the premise that you have not arrived..that you are a sinner saved by grace, not some special being made up in heaven.

So three main functions of the human spirit are as follows:
  1. Conscience: Your conscience is a "discerning organ"; it distinguishes right and wrong, not through knowledge or influences stored in the mind but by a spontaneous direct judgement. "Reasoning" judges/justifies "conscience".  The conscience is an independent agent; it is direct and does not bend to outside opinions. Wrong doing or "foul living" will raise the voice of conscience accusation. The function of conscience in man's spirit can be found in: (Duet 2:30; Ps 34:18; Ps 51:10; John 13:21; Acts 17:16; Rom 8:16; 2 Cor 2:13; 2 Tim 1:7)
  2. Intuition: is the "sensory organ" of the human spirit and is an independent agent of any outside influence. Intuition comes to us without any help of emotions, mind or volition. We only "know" through our intuition, our mind merely helps us to "understand." The revelations of God and the movements of the Holy Spirit are known to us by our intuition.  In order to function effectively in this realm, the believer must heed to these two elements: the "voice" of conscience and the "teaching" of intuition.
  3. Communion: is "worshipping" and "fellowship" with God. The organs of the soul, conscience and intuition are incompetent to worship God. God is not apprehended by our thoughts, feelings or emotions or intentions.  He can only be known directly in our spirits.  In other words, worship and communication with God can only be conducted in the spirit realm.
In conclusion, conscience judges according to intuition; conscience condemns all conduct which does not follow the directions given by intuition. Intuition is related to communion or worship in that God is known by man "intuitively" and reveals his will to man in the intuition.  No measure of expectation or deduction gives us the knowledge, heart or mind of God!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"The Anatomy of Leadership..."

Excerpt from "The Road to Damascus: Unveiling the Heart of a Man" by Nicholas Carl Moore on "Leadership":

I've been thinking a lot about being a leader lately. What does leadership look like and how can I inject the concept into my life as a man, father, husband, brother and friend?

Leaders are secure within themselves and trust their chosen direction. They are not influenced by the number of people who are following them; whether ten or ten thousand.  That is called integrity. Leaders are consistent and fair and wise and patient.

Leaders are confident but not arrogant and in control of their emotions (for the most part).  They have a great balance between their emotional weaknesses and their intellectual strengths. A great leader is tenacious and results-oriented. A leader is burdensome and sometimes lonely. He is a risk taker and courageous.

He is incorruptible and strives for perfection and completion and views life as one incessant learning experience. A leader is restless without his daily dose of knowledge. He surrounds himself with brilliance and is not intimidated by such. He is the first in and the last out and delegates without micro-managing. He is ruthless in his pursuit of the truth. He is a spiritual man who is honest and ethical. Leaders understand that rock slides turn into avalanches where lies, deceit, manipulation and perversion are tolerated. Leaders do not take a detour off the road of adversity.  They are cautious but not fearful.  He is not suspicious or paranoid.

Leaders are better listeners than speakers and are disciplined to slow down rather than quit. They are innovative, intuitive, creative and assertive.  Leaders avoid self promotion and focus on the mountain versus where they are on the mountain. They are aware of style while recognizing sustaining success is more difficult than achieving success.

Great leaders have the gift of mobilization and critical thinking. They are kind and loving and strong and tireless. Leaders govern with grace and power and authority and dominion.  They are change agents and welcome a challenge. They are paradigm destroyers and nation builders. Leaders have peace and love and joy and are reconciled to their humanity as a gift from God that is forged into the mantle of truth....

Monday, October 1, 2012

"The Anatomy of UNFORGIVENESS: It's The Unseen Thing that Kills Us!"

I am writing about this topic today because I know this is the MOST DIFFICULT thing we have to do as Believers...and that is to FORGIVE (F) somebody that has jacked us up!!  I am going to be transparent (as usual).  I really have gotten better as I have gotten older, but I am not all the way there yet. 

The thing that I have come to know is that forgiveness is one of the most compelling and powerful "gifts" that we possess.  Forgiveness is "symbiotic" in nature; it heals both you and the person who wronged you.  It also heals and delivers you and the person whom you wronged. F has a wonderful, cleansing effect on the atmosphere.  It purges the spirit of anger, lust, bitterness, distrust, malice, pain and frustration.  It looses the bonds of wickedness and breaks the shackles of despair.  In a word, F precipitates "freedom."

You know what I'm talkin' about. So stop trippin'. I know you remember the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you see the person that wronged you coming down the aisle at your neighborhood grocery store, or little league game or, "Oh no!"..not at the "church house!"  Yeah, you got NO LOVE for Sister Jenkins when you see her comin' down to the altar, "Damn right, that's just where that heifer needs to the freakin' altar!"  You have the audacity to be in the presence of God with "unholy" hands raised, and stagnant prayers and hold nothing but contempt in your heart.  This not good! This is not God!

All the while Sister Jenkins is flowin' and laughin' and enjoyin' herself and you are all messed up!  You are carrying the burden of contempt in your heart. F is ever present; we just have to make the decision to let it in our hearts. Unforgiveness destroys your "witness" and it cripples your spirit.  You become dysfunctional in your ability to conduct daily functions. The scream was once a whisper and the flickering flame is now a fire raging out of control. Only love and F can extinguish the fire of unforgiveness. Only you can set Sister Jenkins free from the prison of pride, envy, jealousy and hate. In the process, you will also be liberated!

As a child, I remember going to visit Niagara Falls, Canada and would often watch the flow of the Niagara River.  It was always so calm on the surface and it amazed me that the river would gain enough momentum in such a short distance to become one of the Seven Wonders of the World. My cousins and I would run along the Canadian side of the Falls (there is an American side as well) to "race" the river until it tumbled over the edge with unbelievable power and fury! The calmness of the surface was very deceptive.  To an unsuspecting observer, one might think you would be able to swim across to the other side with no problem.  Many people have lost their lives over the years because of this lapse in judgement.

You see, the thing that can kill you in the river as well as life is the "unseen thing."  In the case of the river and life the "unseen thing" is referred to as the "under current."  The undercurrent of unforgiveness is a lot like that of the river. Oh how we as humans have mastered "putting on the face", feigning calmness, peace and joy all the while we are about to spontaneously combust with anger and rage!  Once you get caught in the under current, you are its prisoner and it will take you every where you do not want to go. Some of the destinations in the "under current" are desperation, heartache and anger. It is a hidden opinion, feeling or tendency contrary to the one we display publicly. The under current is death, wrath and hopelessness.

In conclusion, the Hebrew word for F is "calach" (saw-lakh): it means to forgive or pardon; to be "ready" to forgive (recognizing that F is a process); to excuse someone who was wrongly accused; or someone who is guilty, but has suffered enough and it is time to move on." I can speak from personal experience how "unforgiveness" can debilitate you. For the hundreds of people who read my blog every week, please move quickly to forgive the people in your life that need to be forgiven and trust the Lord God that He will move on the hearts of the people that you have wronged so that they will forgive you as well.